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Tag: #zambianfarmers

Introducing Celine and her tomato project

I introduced you to Celine a few days ago.  Her story is so interesting and motivating that I must share it with you here.   In February this year, Celine visited a friend and saw their tomato operation.  Being in search of something meaningful to do, she felt she would be able to do this on her own.   She had nothing, no training, no funds, no land.  Nevertheless, in March she started with her 21 trays of tomato seedlings.   This was a humble beginning, but a beginning based on determination and hard work.   Please follow Celine’s story, she can be an example for [...]

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Celine Challenges Post 3

As I said in my last post on Celine and her project, Celine started her project without anything.  She had no land, didn’t even know where to put down the greenhouse she wanted to purchase, she had no training on how to grow or care for tomato plants, and she had no money to start.   Therefore, obviously, her biggest challenges were money, space, and education.  So how did she do all of this?  She was able to secure a small loan to purchase a greenhouse of 10X4, she bought 21 trays to grow seedlings, and she got three envelopes of seeds.  Then [...]

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Celine Current Status Post 4

As I continue with the story of Celine, after turning over her treys three times and growing from 21 Trays to 140 in her tiny greenhouse of 10 X 4, she was able to secure land, one hectare to start transplanting on her own.   She has now turned this land into a flourishing garden of healthy tomato plants.  Celine is expecting her first full harvest by the second half of August. Her next step will be to purchase land on her own and make it a permanent farm.   We should all applaud Celine’s effort and congratulate her on her results.  She is a [...]

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